Thursday 25 November 2010

Representation Task

We have now watched a number of drama clips and analysed how camera, sound, editing and mis-en-scene are used to construct a representation of a particular type of group (e.g. age, gender, ethnicity, etc.)

We are now going to try to re-define the representation in one of the clips.

In groups of three or four, I would like you to choose one of the clips we have looked at so far (one that you have a good amount of notes on would be best) and plan out how you would change the camera, editing, sound and mis-en-scene in order to change the representation of the group. It is important you pay particular attention to the four elements, look at how they were used to put across one representation and then work out how you could give a totally different representation by changing them.

Re-watch the clip you choose, discuss as a group how you can change the representation and begin to plan out on paper precisely what you would change.

Once your group has fully re-planned the clip, you will have a chance to film and edit it! We will view the clips in class once they are filmed.

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